On Oct 2, Global Region 2 (Regional Director Seo Yeon Lee) signed the MOU with Jinhan Museum, N-nail and Ceramic Happiness Sharing at Jinhan Art Museum to foster talents and promote peace integration in the local community.
By signing the MOU, they agreed to carry out peace activities and host events to promote IWPG’s peace culture and advance the goal of achieving peace.
Song Yang-sook, CEO of Ceramic Happiness Sharing, said, “IWPG is a remarkable organization, and I will keep joining its peace activities.” Kim Sang-deok, Director of Jinhan Art Museum, remarked. “Through the MOA, I will cooperate with IWPG for its peace initiatives, introducing many people who could help achieve Peace.”
On Oct 29, Global Region 2 signed an MOA with Ruaha Catholic University in Tanzania to advance peace initiatives.
Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU) is a private university established in Iringa City, Southern Tanzania, as an affiliated college of St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT).
Under the MOA, IWPG will organize peace events and provide PLTE to local women, while RUCU will collaborate to advocate for and promote the legislation of the DPCW.
Mkanibwa Ngoboka, Representative of the Iringa Peace Committee and a peace lecturer, said, “IWPG’s peace activities are remarkably committed worldwide. By signing the MOA, I am honored to become a peace partner. I look forward to continuous collaboration with IWPG.”
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